Nine Keys to Winning Baby Boomers' Assets at Retirement

By Charles S. Yanikoski, President

Still River Retirement Planning Software, Inc.


Nine Keys is the first book to focus exclusively on corporate strategies for the "retirement income" market, a subject of critical importance to financial services professionals and their clients. It addresses a wide range of issues that will be central to success in this market, with emphasis on those that have been either neglected or over-emphasized in most strategies to date.

The book was written for CEOs and other senior executives who have strategic responsibilities in the retirement market, but anyone involved in planning or marketing in this field should read it.

If you have been reading our newsletter or our analytical papers on retirement income planning, some of these themes will seem familiar to you. Others will be new.

The nine keys are:

#1: Go on the offensive: this is an opportunity, not just a threat.

#2: Give retirees what they need, not what you need to sell.

#3: Serving retirees isn't just different, it's the opposite of what you're used to.

#4: If you control the decision process, you will control the assets.

#5: Clever math is no substitute for good strategy.

#6: KISS kills at retirement.

#7: Decorate the house, not the foundation.

#8: Product efficiency will win over complexity.

#9: The quest for the "One Best Solution" is the path to failure.


To see why these statements are true, and what effect they should have on your business, order a copy today. Purchases may be made by credit card only, and the price includes shipping, handling, and any applicable sales taxes.

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Still River Retirement Planning Software, Inc.
· 75 Broad St., Pittsfield, MA 01201
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